Crash when editing my.cnf-MySQL

Whenever I try to make the adjustment of variables in Ubuntu by editing the my.cnf located at

Etc / mysql / my.cnf

And I restart the system, a crash occurs related to the connection failure

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket ' / var/mysql / mysql.sock '

I check the folder and see that the mysql file.sock was erased. So, every time I need to uninstall and reinstall mysql to get everything back to work.

The bank runs on localhost on Ubuntu with the version 5.6.

Does anyone know what's going on? Thank you

Author: Leo, 2016-01-18

1 answers

At the end of the file was included the snippet


Key_buffer_size = 64M

Max_connections = 200


Pid-file = / var / run/mysqld /

Socket = / var / run/mysqld / mysqld.sock

I ended up giving up making changes to my.cnf and I used a new file .cnf inside the folder / etc/mysql / mysql.conf.d containing the above excerpt. apparently everything went back to work with the read permission for groups and others.

Thanks for the help. Everything returned to normal, but I only remain with the doubt of why the my.cnf crash when edited. Hugs.

Author: Leo, 2016-01-19 04:33:59