Creating a CMS with your own hands [closed]

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Creating your own CMS. Is there any interesting material on the production of templates, admin panel, etc.? Suddenly someone saw what I did not finish.

Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2011-08-18

4 answers

For example, there is a tutorial on creating a CMS "from scratch" by Sebastian Sulinski. I will not give you links, so that you do not think that I am advertising a file sharing service - you can find it in Google freely and download it for free.

Author: gote, 2011-08-18 06:29:00

I can advise you to Google it like this: IRBIS-school-web programming courses. It describes articles on how to write your CMS from scratch.

Author: FreeMast, 2012-01-22 05:21:46

I had a thesis on creating a CMS in PHP in 2009. I did it based on the book by D. Kolisnichenko "Engine for your site" and video tutorials by Yevgeny Popov. Successfully protected, but the source code is not preserved unfortunately

Author: Bandicoot87, 2012-01-22 07:22:22

There was a good article on habr.

Author: Arni, 2012-01-22 07:47:11