Creating a web application on Intellij Idea community edition

Anyone tried to create a web application (maven) on Intellij Idea Community edition, I know that it does not support web and java 2ee, but it is very necessary. I tried to connect tomcat7, but when I access it, it says that there is no such repository. jsf, and primefaces don't work either. I'm going to do a big web project, there is no money for Ultimate (((.

Author: andy, 2016-03-15

4 answers

JetBrains has a 30-day trial for Ultimate, as well as a version of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate EAP (Early Access Preview). I think this will be quite enough for you to start with.

Author: Axifive, 2019-01-25 11:23:22

If you don't care which server to use, then create a maven or gradle project using

Import the project into Idea and work with it. It is started and debugged.

Author: Sergey Mitrofanov, 2016-03-15 14:35:16

Download it somewhere( and import this project via the pom.cml and then, if you wish, configure the drivers, or open an empty project, and then start the maven installation and it downloads itself automatically from the Internet, well, see more instructions on the Internet

Author: Талъат, 2016-04-07 09:05:43

The official website says that maven is supported in the community version:

Screenshot of the site

Author: Qwertiy, 2016-04-15 09:30:36