Dashed line css only?

Does anyone know how to make this dashed line with css only? I have tried with images but I could not thank you!
insert the description of the image here

Author: Thiago Vieira Da Paz, 2018-01-14

2 answers

If you want the shape trace placed in the question image, you can create a class with the pseudo-elements ::before e ::after:

/* tirei o underline do "a" apenas para exemplificar no resultado*/
   text-decoration: none;

   position: relative;

   content: '';
   border-bottom: 2px solid #090;
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;

   width: 5px;
   left: 0;

   width: 30px;
   left: 10px;
   <p class="trasso">Conheça o projeto</p>
   <a href="#" class="trasso">Conheça o projeto</a>
Author: Sam, 2018-01-14 02:09:40

Da to do with linear-gradient

.linha {
    font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
    color: #48958C;
    font-size: 2.5rem;
    position: relative;
.linha::after {
   content: '';
   position: absolute;
   width: 6rem;
   height: 0.2rem;
   top: 100%;
   left: 0.25rem;
   background: linear-gradient(to right,#48958C 0%, #48958C 15%, transparent 15%, transparent 30%, #48958C 30%)
<p class="linha">Conheça o projeto</p>
Author: hugocsl, 2018-01-14 12:37:10