Date function in Portuguese

I have this code

<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-condensed  lista-clientes table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed">
                 <center>IP Address</center>
                 <center>Banned By</center>
                 <center>Banned On</center>
                 <center>Banned Until</center>
           while($row = $retval->fetch_assoc()) { 
              if($row['banner'] == null) {
                 $row['banner'] = 'Console';
              // <<-----------------Ban Date Converter------------>> //
              $timeEpoch = $row['time'];
              $timeConvert = $timeEpoch / 1000;
              $timeResult = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $timeConvert);
              // <<-----------------Expiration Time Converter------------>> //
              $expiresEpoch = $row['expires'];
              $expiresConvert = $expiresEpoch / 1000;
              $expiresResult = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $expiresConvert);
                    $ip = $row['ip'];

                    $array = explode(".", $ip);
                    $numbers = $array[0] . "." . $array[1] . "." . $array[2];
                    $numbers .= ".";

                    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($array[3]); $i++) {
                      $numbers .= "*";

                    echo $numbers;
              <td><?php echo $row['banner'];?></td>
              <td style="width: 30%;"><?php echo $row['reason'];?></td>
              <td><?php echo $timeResult;?></td>
              <td><?php if($row['expires'] == 0) {
                 echo 'ETERNO';
                 } else {
                 echo $expiresResult; }?></td>
           <?php }
              echo "</tbody></table>";

But I want to leave the date, times etc... In Portuguese, however, I am not getting it... So this is getting in English. Could anyone help me ?

Author: zlDeath, 2018-02-20

1 answers

To use dates with location in "pt-BR "(Brazil) or " pt-PT "(Portugal), two functions are required: setlocale e strftime.

The difference between date and strftime (in addition to the parameters) is that strftime works with the given location, while date ignores these values.

In the function setlocale, we can decide if we want to apply the location to all fields or just date, money, time etc. To apply with dates only, use setlocale(LC_TIME, "<Idioma>");


/* Localização */
setlocale(LC_ALL, "pt-BR");

/* Ignora a localização */
echo date("F j, Y, g:i a").PHP_EOL;

/* Aplica a data com localização */
echo strftime("%B %d, %G, %I:%M %p");

Your code should look like this:


setlocale(LC_ALL, "pt-BR");

while($row = $retval->fetch_assoc()) { 
    if($row['banner'] == null) {
    $row['banner'] = 'Console';

// <<-----------------Ban Date Converter------------>> //
$timeEpoch = $row['time'];
$timeConvert = $timeEpoch / 1000;
$timeResult = strftime("%B %d, %G, %I:%M %p", $timeConvert);

// <<-----------------Expiration Time Converter------------>> //
$expiresEpoch = $row['expires'];
$expiresConvert = $expiresEpoch / 1000;
$expiresResult =  strftime("%B %d, %G, %I:%M %p", $expiresConvert);

To know other parameters of the function stftime, simply access the Documentation

Author: Valdeir Psr, 2018-02-20 19:20:16