Delay in publishing APP-Play store

Good Morning, I'm in doubt about publishing my first public APP on the google Store. I made the publication on 15/08 and until today (20/08) the APP is still with 'draft'status. My impression is that this delay is not normal. Can anyone give me a hint? below follow prints from the store.

At first I thought it was normal, by the message being presented (image 3) "to protect users, the detailed review of the app will take a little more time. Learn more " . But the delay is too much, is there something missing? Or could I have done something wrong?

All required items completed

Launch Start button disabled


Author: Guilherme Dambros, 2019-08-20

2 answers

Interesting your question, for me it is serving as an alert because I was not aware of this change.

After a quick search I found some news this week, which basically says that Google is with a new policy of at least 3 days* of review, and that this is only being reported because a game developer Published on his blog the problem.
*Google has updated the text in usa help page and now (09/13/2019) the text speaks in 7 days

Now on the page of Play Console help , you have the following Note

em 13/09/2019 ↓

Note: for some developer accounts, the detailed review of apps will take a little longer to better protect users. this may increase the analysis time to up to seven days (or more in exceptional cases). You will receive a notification in the dashboard of the app with the estimated duration of this process.

em 23/08/2019 ↓

Note: for some developer accounts, the detailed review of apps will take a little longer to better protect users. You will receive a notification in the dashboard of the app with the estimated duration of this process. it is recommended to adjust the plan to include a minimum waiting period of three days between sending and publishing the app.

em 21/08/2019 ↓

Note: for certain developer accounts, we'll take more time to thoroughly review your app(s) to help better protect users. You'll receive a notification on your app's Dashboard about how long this should take. we recommend that you adjust your planning to include a buffer period of at least three days between submitting your app and going live.

Now looking at their image it is noted that the measure of time they speak:

Você receberá uma notificação no Painel do app com 
 a duração estimada desse processo.

At the moment it is still it will take a little more time .

Link to some news in English [1][2]

Author: Icaro Martins, 2019-09-13 20:36:30

If the status is "draft" means that you have not yet submitted it for publication, there are still a few steps to go.

Author: Franklin, 2020-07-01 16:14:06