Delegating JS

I'm learning pure JavaScript. I have three buttons that are wrapped in a div. You need to make one handler for these buttons and different actions for clicking on each of them.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <div id="menu">
    <button data-color="day">День</button>
    <button data-color="night">Ночь</button>
    <button data-color="red">Красный</button>

All buttons should make an alert with the innerHTML content when clicked. Interesting performance using the new standard ES6 and higher.

Author: Daniil Kedrov, 2019-08-06

4 answers

class Menu {
  constructor(node) {
    this.node = node;

    if (!this.node) return;

    this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);

    this.node.addEventListener('click', this.onClick, false);

  onClick(e) {
    const button ='button');

    if (!button) return;

    const color = this.getColor(button);


  getColor(button) {
    return button.getAttribute('data-color');

const root = document.querySelector('#menu');

new Menu(root);
<div id="menu">
  <button data-color="day">День</button>
  <button data-color="night">Ночь</button>
  <button data-color="red">Красный</button>
Author: meine, 2019-08-06 10:50:58

You need to hang the event on the parent, and the event has an address, which will contain a link to the element that was actually clicked.

let action = console.log
menu.addEventListener('click', e => !== menu && action(
<div id="menu">
  <button data-color="day">День</button>
  <button data-color="night">Ночь</button>
  <button data-color="red">Красный</button>
Author: Stranger in the Q, 2019-08-07 11:37:16

const menu = document.querySelector('#menu');

menu.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  if ( === 'BUTTON') {
<div id="menu">
  <button data-color="day">День</button>
  <button data-color="night">Ночь</button>
  <button data-color="red">Красный</button>
Author: Вадим Лешкевич, 2019-08-06 10:44:28

function foo() {
  let parent = document.getElementById('menu');
    if(!parent) return;
  parent.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    // Получаем элемент по которому произошел клик
    let target =;
     // Проверяем наш ли это элемент
     if(target.tagName == 'BUTTON') {
        let targetVal = target.innerHTML;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <div id="menu">
    <button data-color="day">День</button>
    <button data-color="night">Ночь</button>
    <button data-color="red">Красный</button>
Author: , 2019-08-06 10:47:48