Delphi and WPE PRO, how to prevent packet capture?

Good day. A friend keeps the server of one online rpg-shki. Clever people have learned to bring down the server by sending deliberately incorrect packets using the WPE PRO program (such a package editor, writes and is able to change and forward). So, my task is to write a client application and somehow prevent these clever players from using this software.

What kind of help do I want from you, dear professionals - these are just tips on where to dig and dig? Personally, I have no ideas, to unfortunately. You can search in processes and kill them, but there are several critical points here. First, the program must have rights. Then, the process can still be hidden by some HideToolz, but you can also bypass this and find the same software. But the main problem is that it is enough to send one packet - and the server lies. As I did now - my program communicates with the server via a TCP socket once every 10 seconds in gibberish, and if a person's program is not running, the admin sees it and can throw a person out of the game, but the whole point is that the server will go down in any case, even if the person is in the game, even if not - an incorrect authorization package is sent and the server goes to bed. I thought in the direction of intercepting functions such as Recv, Send, but somehow I am not happy with this prospect, I have never been engaged in interceptions, I am not a pro and I will not be able to properly intercept. And you should not go deep into the system, imho.

In general, please submit your ideas. Thank you in advance for your valuable help.

P.S. I write in RAD XE5, server on centos, the server part of the program runs under wine =)

Author: Sergeich, 2014-02-03