Delphi application server routine with UNIGUI

I have an application developed with UNIGUI components for Delphi XE5 and I would like to know how I can run a routine on the application server, without necessarily being in the browser interface. One of the routines is communication via sockets, this routine does the collection of data from a meteriologica station and this data I want to be displayed in my interface in the browser, I would like to know if it is possible to collect this information and store in a database while the server is running, without necessarily the page being open.

Author: Alex Schmitt, 2014-09-09

2 answers

I don't know if it's a good practice, but I managed to solve it by putting all the dynamically created components inside the ServerModule, and it worked.

Author: Alex Schmitt, 2014-09-09 12:47:32

Compare Unigui and Raudus: Unigui uses ExtJS

Raudus has a vcl.js javascript itself, does not depend on third party, Mobile and Desktop; Own Webservice ported from a version of fantastic mongoose; Support D7 to XE10 passing through Lazarus; Every project developed in Lazarus.

Author: user3715686, 2017-01-30 12:24:48