Is it possible to view private videos through Youtube API?

I am creating a content strategy for a client and the following need arose: to display private YouTube channel videos on the site.

What we intend to do is create a strategy where users can only see some of the channel's videos within our client's site, like exclusive content, you know? There is a whole discourse of support for this strategy, which is not appropriate to comment here, because it would be just blah-blah-blah.

My doubt: is can I bring private Youtube videos to the site only using the YouTube API? I don't want a "how to", I just really need to know if it's possible. I looked at the documentation, but I could not clarify this doubt much.

Thank you all!

Author: Guilherme Moreira, 2014-07-07

1 answers

According to API 3.0 reference guide


" in addition, some API methods for retrieving resources may support parameters that require authorization or may contain additional metadata when requests are authorized. For example, a request to retrieve a user's uploaded videos may also contain private videos if the request is authorized by that specific user."

Author: Onaiggac, 2014-07-07 22:53:48