Differences between Action Script and Flash

Explain the difference between these two languages, which one is used where?

Author: Nick Volynkin, 2013-10-20

3 answers

IMHO: Flash is not a language, the closest word to describe it is a platform, a set of tools for creating media content, games, applications, and delivering them to the consumer.

And ActionScript (3), yes, a language for creating applications / programs executed on the Flash platform. From banners to games and heavy rich enterprise applications (Flex).

As a platform (Flash and hence ac3) can be used / run almost everywhere, web / social applications, desktop (win/mac), mobile (android/ios).

I think that due to the arrival of the latest generation of consoles on the x86/x64 architecture (thank God), we should soon expect the appearance of Flash content development tools for these systems. (or rather, there are tools and environments, you need a player / virtual machine)

Author: ShockWave, 2013-10-20 18:08:01

Flash is not a language, it is a technology that allows you to place various content(from games to videos) on a web page on the Internet.

AS3 is the language that you can use to create such content.

. swf is the format(special structure) of the file, which is the very content that is being uploaded.

Author: Anonymous, 2015-10-05 04:05:51

ActionScript is an object-oriented programming language, one of the dialects of ECMAScript, that adds interactivity, data processing, and more to the content of Flash applications. ActionScript is executed by a virtual machine (ActionScript Virtual Machine), which is a component of Flash Player. ActionScript is compiled into bytecode, which is included in the SWF file.

Link to the wiki >>>

Ide supporting action script 3.0: Flash Builder, Flash Develop, Eclipse, Astella, etc.

Author: Vyacheslav Mishchenko, 2018-06-12 08:24:25