Difficulties in editing HTML in Wordpress

Good afternoon everyone ! I need to be translating a text from that page (attached the print from the exact location) where I am having difficulty editing the file... I've tried plugin and Poedit and I couldn't... how to access the HTML page ? If you do, how ? If I don't, how can I edit that ? Thank you for your attention ![Product Description]1

Author: Alexandre Barberan Castilho, 2018-09-14

1 answers

Are you sure that you have placed the language files pt_BR (important to the nomenclature) in the appropriate directories of the theme, or even in the wp-content/languages/themes / nomedotema-pt_BR? If you are certain about these details and even so the translation has not been identified, it is likely that this term is not declared in your language file.

The most friendly and immediate way to do this is with The Loco Translate plugin. Through the Loco you just go in Loco Translate > Themes > your theme > desired language > and "Sync" Pro plugin identify the strings that may be missing.

If you want to change through HTML, just use an editor of your choice and have a search in all the files of your theme for the term you want to translate.

Sometimes it happens that the text is added inside the CSS through a content: "text", take a look to try to identify this as well.

Any questions, tamo there!

Author: Jandeilson De Sousa, 2018-09-27 13:32:21