Direct Link does not work with wget on ubunto [closed]

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I'm trying to download straight from this link, but even using the command wget --user=usuario --password=senha it just gets connecting Infinity, but when downloaded by the browser it works perfectly.

Author: Lucas Caresia, 2017-05-13

1 answers

It looks like your wget is set by default to --max-redirect 0. This implies that it will not redirect after a 301 and 302.

For this you can use the options -L of curl and --max-redirect of wget.

Using curl

curl -L -u usuario:senha [url]

Using wget

wget --max-redirect 100 --user usuario --password senha [url]

* * * Edited

But, that doesn't answer the question.

Author: lemoce, 2017-05-14 13:32:38