Display associative array elements with foreach

Hello, guys. I would like to display the elements of an associative array as follows:

Nome: José
Idade: 32
Profissão: Médico

Nome: Rafaela
Idade: 28
Profissão: Dentista

All on the same page. And the code I'm using is as follows:

    $usuarios = array(
                    array("nome"=>"José", "idade"=>32, "profissao"=>"Médico"),
                    array("nome"=>"Rafaela", "idade"=>28, "profissao"=>"Dentista"),
                    array("nome"=>"Gabriela", "idade"=>18, "profissao"=>"Não tem")

    foreach ($usuarios as $informacoes => $dados){
        echo $informacoes . " : ";
        echo $dados;

But with this code I get the following error:

0 : 
Notice: Array to string conversion in /opt/lampp/htdocs/Development/PHP/Exercicio9/usuarios.php on line 10
Array1 : 
Notice: Array to string conversion in /opt/lampp/htdocs/Development/PHP/Exercicio9/usuarios.php on line 10
Array2 : 
Notice: Array to string conversion in /opt/lampp/htdocs/Development/PHP/Exercicio9/usuarios.php on line 10

Searching, I realized that to show the array it would be necessary to give a print_r instead of the echo, but this command literally shows the array. I would like to know if it is possible and how can I do to display the indexes and their values of the array as I showed.

Right now, thank you.

Author: boomboxarcade, 2017-03-05

2 answers

You can loop inside the other:

 $usuarios = array(
                    array("nome"=>"José", "idade"=>32, "profissao"=>"Médico"),
                    array("nome"=>"Rafaela", "idade"=>28, "profissao"=>"Dentista"),
                    array("nome"=>"Gabriela", "idade"=>18, "profissao"=>"Não tem")
foreach($usuarios as $informacoes) {
  foreach($informacoes as $chave => $valor) {
    echo $chave;
    echo ': ';
    echo $valor;
    echo '<br />';
Author: jlHertel, 2017-03-05 20:07:56

You put an associative array inside another assossiative array, try using this Code:


    header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

        $usuarios = array(
                        array("nome"=>"José", "idade"=>32, "profissao"=>"Médico"),
                        array("nome"=>"Rafaela", "idade"=>28, "profissao"=>"Dentista"),
                        array("nome"=>"Gabriela", "idade"=>18, "profissao"=>"Não tem")

        foreach ($usuarios as $usuario){
            echo "Nome : " . $usuario['nome'] . "<br>";
            echo "Idade :" . $usuario['idade'] . "<br>";
            echo "Profissao :" . $usuario['profissao'] . "<br>";
            echo "<br>";
Author: Eric Castro, 2017-03-05 18:23:13