Display only results that satisfy the condition within the loop

I am building a small algorithm that traverses a ArrayList and compares the found value with a value typed by the user.

But I want it to be printed on the screen only the value that satisfies the operation, and not the other values that do not correspond to those that have been compared:

   public class Hash {

HashMap<String, String> mapaPosicoes = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList<String> listaPosicoes = new ArrayList<>();
Scanner teclado = new Scanner(System.in);

String posicaoJogador, nomeJogador;

public void pegaDadosJogador() {
    System.out.print("Digite a posição do jogador: ");
    posicaoJogador = teclado.nextLine();

    System.out.print("Digite o nome do jogador: ");
    nomeJogador = teclado.nextLine();

public void validadorDadosJogador() {
    listaPosicoes.add("Jogador de Defesa");

    for(String iteracao: listaPosicoes) {
        if(!(!iteracao.equals(posicaoJogador) || nomeJogador.isEmpty())) {
            mapaPosicoes.put(nomeJogador, posicaoJogador);
            System.out.println("Jogador(es) Mapeado(s)");
        }else {

Public class Execucao {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Hash time = new Hash();

Notice, it will keep typing "input does not satisfy" until it finds the correct position in the array . I am fully aware that this is the fault of the loop, which will be running until the last position, but since the iteration variable is local, I do not know how to do it outside the loop.

Author: Amystherdam, 2018-09-09

1 answers

It was not very clear to me on which occasions the "input satisfies", but based only on what it did, I believe that to eliminate the unwanted data zaida only by denying the condition inside the if:

for(String iteracao: listaPosicoes) {
    if(!(!iteracao.equals(posicaoJogador) || nomeJogador.isEmpty())) {
        System.out.println("Entrada satisfaz");

When the condition inside the if is true, it means it does not satisfy, so by denying the result, I make the if Get true and display the desired text, or whatever you intend to display only when the input is valid.

Only with the change I suggested already avoids displaying invalid entries several times, but if you want to display if nothing meets the If condition, you can use a counter, which can be used in the future if you want to know how many entries are valid. If only one is always valid or does not need a counter, then you can use a variable of type boolean, just to check out of the loop when something is found:

boolean achou =  false;


for(String iteracao: listaPosicoes) {
    if(!(!iteracao.equals(posicaoJogador) || nomeJogador.isEmpty())) {
        mapaPosicoes.put(nomeJogador, posicaoJogador);
        System.out.println("Jogador(es) Mapeado(s)");
        achou = true;


if(!achou) {
    System.out.println("Nenhuma das entradas satisfaz");
Author: , 2018-09-11 12:20:42