DLL error in apache

I installed wampserver 3.1.7, on Windows 8.1 64, and apache is showing the following message.

Could not locate the entry point of the isupper procedure in the dynamic link library

I have tried with newer versions of wampserver and the error persists, What changes is the word " isupper "which in version 3.1.0 is"islpha".

Already downloaded this pcre file.site dll https://pt.dll-files.com/pcre.dll.html and replaces pcre.original installation dll in the same directory that is shown in the image. But still without success.

When querying the apache error log, the following message

[28-May-2019 17:35:07 UTC] Apache variable "${INSTALL_DIR}" is not defined.

Can anyone help me?

Author: Rafael Christófano, 2019-05-29

1 answers

You modified httpd.conf, if not, check to see if everything is right! Check that the operating pot is not being used by another process.

[28-May-2019 17: 35: 07 UTC] Apache variable "${INSTALL_DIR} " is not defined

In this log passed by you, the variable INSTALL_DIR may not be registered in the system, add in the Windows PAHT this variable with the installation location, perhaps declaring this environment variable can work.

On the website of apache found recommendations on installing Visual C++


If you have already done all this and have not given anything yet, edit the post with more details about the problem

Author: Samuel Sampaio, 2019-05-29 10:58:06