Do I need a MacOS computer to program Swift 4 and ObjC?

I'm doing a lot of research on application programming for iOS platform, and all the online courses I find computers are from the Apple line. To program Apple, do you need to have an Apple computer?

Author: Maniero, 2018-08-01

1 answers

By no means can they be used across multiple platforms. These languages are not "from Apple", they are only maintained by Apple.

Of course if you want to do something for MacOS or iOS it complicates a bit to do on another platform. It does not prevent, but it gives a little work, especially for iOS that requires a MacOS to publish your app, but not to desenvovlver.

I know the same goes for Objective-C, but it goes from Swift.

Author: Maniero, 2018-08-01 20:02:10