Do I need higher mathematics in web programming? [closed]

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I understand that it is necessary for example when developing three-dimensional games, etc. And if I decide to do two-dimensional graphics, I need to study higher mathematics and geometry, or not must I?

My level of knowledge in mathematics is still almost zero. In geometry, it is the same.

I didn't understand these subjects well at school. Now I'm going to learn more. I didn't find any simple and clear books on mathematics in Russian (except for children's books) - I found some good books in English, so I'm sitting here studying.

Author: Артём Ионаш, 2012-05-03

4 answers

You must have basic knowledge and the ability to apply it. Even just finding the right formula and substituting the right values into it sometimes requires understanding what is going on. And only a small part of all higher mathematics will be useful. For 2d graphics in various tasks, when working with graphical primitives (determining distance, position, determining the touch area, the intersection area), analytical geometry is useful. Roughly speaking, a dozen basic formulas. For example, such as equation of a straight line, distance from a point to a straight line, etc. This does not even require special knowledge of mathematics. I found the formula, substituted the necessary numbers, and got the result. But you need to understand what a particular variable is in these formulas. And it would be very good to understand fundamentals of discrete mathematics. This science is much more important for a programmer. From there, you can take quite a lot. Although as my experience shows, you can do without it, but at the same time you will have to invent it yourself, then what is already described in the sample. So to be effective, you need to dig in there as well. This can save you a lot of time in the future. Especially when it comes to graphs.

Author: alexiusss, 2012-05-03 08:09:22

Mathematics should be taught only then, that it puts the mind in order © Lomonosov M.
In fact, if it is web programming, then the school program is not particularly useful. If you decide to learn something in terms of theory, it is better to take up discrete mathematics (for example, at least R. Haggarty "Discrete Mathematics for programmers").
I also recommend reading something about algorithms.
On the subject of analytic geometry, etc., I think it will be enough to take a simple reference book. For example, I like the reference book of M. Ya. Vygodsky very much (the reference book of Bronstein Semendyaev is also not bad)

Author: Veikedo, 2012-05-03 08:25:32

The question is not specific. Web programming is a broad concept. Mathematics is an even broader concept. Some sections of mathematics will not be required, and some will be required. A typical web application involves working with SQL databases that are built on relational algebra, which is directly related to mathematics (algebra sections). And in general, programming dynamic pages involves working with JavaScript, which is close to writing functions (analysis sections).

Author: stanislav, 2012-05-03 09:23:35

You have to know the math. And you must know at least the basic part of the first two courses of the institute. I once had to learn a lot of statistics in my life, and since I was systematically engaged in automatic learning, I had to learn a lot of specialized mathematics. In general, if you do not know mathematics in the framework of a school-institute course, then you will not really like the life of a programmer. Mathematics (algebra) primarily develops logic, and without logic, nowhere.

Author: DmitrySamoylenko, 2015-08-16 06:25:21