Does not display Cyrillic in kivy in utf-8

There are two files, and my. kv. I work in a paycharm. Both files have utf-8.

The code is clean, everything is at a minimum:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from import App
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout

class Container(GridLayout):


class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):

        return Container()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Well, my. kv:

            text: 'текст'```

Windows 8.1

upd; конвертация .kv файла в windows1251 решила проблему, но теперь вопрос вот в чём. не отразится ли это на чём нибудь в будущем? 
Author: type49, 2020-04-13

1 answers

In general, in most cases, changing the encoding from windows-1251 to utf-8 helps, but it can be the other way around, as in my example.

Also, for windows 10, the method from another question may work: Windows Settings -> Time and language -> Language -> Administrative language settings -> Change the system language. Here we check the box "Beta version: Use Unicode (UTF-8) to support the language worldwide" and restart the computer.

Plus, there is also such a frequently recommended option:

with open('kv_file.kv', encoding='utf-8') as kv_file:

And here is another method:

def load_all_kv_files(self, directory_kv_files):
for kv_file in os.listdir(directory_kv_files):
    kv_file = os.path.join(directory_kv_files, kv_file)
    if os.path.isfile(kv_file) and kv_file.endswith("kv"):
        with open(kv_file, encoding="utf-8") as kv:
Author: type49, 2020-04-16 01:02:34