Does the GNU AGPL v3 prohibit installing AdSense ads?

There is an OpenSource project with a license: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

The question is, if I put ads from Google AdSense (or any other ads), will I violate the law (license)?

Author: Герман Борисов, 2019-09-19

1 answers

None of the GNU licenses prohibit commercial use.

But in relation to the project you specified , you were answered

As far as I can tell you won't be able to license the adsense code under the AGPL, so including it would indeed be a license violation.

Translation close to the text

As far as I can tell, you can't re-license the AdSense code under the AGPL, so enabling it would be a violation licenses.

If I understand correctly, to integrate with AdSense, you need to add some code from Google to your project (if this is not the case, then the following does not matter).

In order for two pieces of code from different authors to be combined into one project, the licenses of both pieces must allow this.

All GNU licenses are "viral", i.e. they require the final project to be under the same GNU license (or the stronger of the two, if both are GNU).)

Means to do this, the license for the second piece of code must be AGPL-compliant.

Google does not like the AGPL very much, which it openly declares. All their libraries on GitHub for integration with AdSense are laid out under the AGPL-incompatible APL v2

Author: Герман Борисов, 2019-09-19 14:00:35