Doubt about the replace method()

The replace () method is a method of the str class, correct?

Follows a code that' runs ' perfectly where the object is an integer (or at least in my interpretation). Or in the case of interpolation does it change?


def moeda(valor, moeda = 'R$'):
    return f'{moeda}{valor:.2f}'.replace('.', ',')

velocidade = float(input('Qual é a velocidade do carro? (KM) '))
if velocidade > 80:
    multa = (velocidade - 80) * 6
    multa = moeda(multa)
    print(f'Você foi multado em {multa}')

PS. The currency () function transforms an integer into currency format by replacing the integer points with commas.

Author: Curi, 2020-02-05

1 answers

As you said yourself, replace is a method of strings and values of type int or float Not have it.

What happens in your code is that you pass the value into a new string using the string formatting f-string. Therefore, you are using the replace method of a str created in formatting and not a numeric value. See the example below:

valor = 75.99
string_valor = f"R$ {valor}"

print(type(string_valor), "-", string_valor)  # <class 'str'> - R$ 75.99

string_valor = string_valor.replace(".", ",")
Author: JeanExtreme002, 2020-02-05 02:48:09