Doubt for creating and working with class arrays in JAVA

I have a program with 2 classes. The player class that contains only the Attribute name:

public class player {
String name;

And I have the main class that has the function below and the call of the same in main

Public class Principal{
public static void setPlayers(int valor){
        int i;
            player[] vetor = new player[valor];
            vetor[i] = new player();
public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.out.println("Insira a quantidade de jogadores de 1 a 4");
    int n = 4;

Now the doubt, I created 4 players and want to put their name or take their names. What call should I make in main? I tried this one below and it says that the Vector does not exist


For the exercise I'm doing, I need to store an X amount of players and change / pick up their names. So I needed to manipulate the data of this Vector

Author: Eduardo Arantes, 2018-06-08

1 answers

You have an array scope problem vetor. Because it was created inside for, it will only exist while for is running and can only be accessed there as well.

Throwing the line player[] vetor = new player[valor]; out of the for solves your problem of accessing it.

As for creating and manipulating a Player, you need to create the access methods in the Player class. The way it is today, without a getNome() method, the compiler will complain that this method does not exists:

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

That done, you can do so within for to create and name a Player:

Player player = new Player();
vetor[i] = player;

To display the name of the newly created player, you could add the following line at the end of for:


* beware of the class name using only lowercase letters. Although technically valid, it is not good practice in Java. Instead of player, your class should be called Player.

Author: StatelessDev, 2018-06-08 11:46:17