Dynamic queries in Spring Data JPA

How can I implement dynamic queries in Spring Data JPA ? For example, there is a huge filter and not the fact that some field will not be null. Any ideas ? Thank you.

Author: Andrey Sibirkin, 2016-09-07

3 answers

You can wrap query parameters in specifications and pass them to queries.

Example of a request with a specification:

CuVotercntByCuSpecification builder = new CuVotercntByCuSpecification();
    Specification<CuVotercntByCu> specification =
List<CuVotercntByCu> allCiu = votercntByCuRepository.findAll(specification,
        Sort.by("viboryrefer.namvibor", "numokr"));

Example of creating a specification:

public class CuVotercntByCuSpecification extends BaseSpecification<CuVotercntByCu> { }
Author: haste, 2020-09-15 16:28:19

Use em.createNativeQuery or @SqlResultSetMapping
example here https://javastudy.ru/spring-data-jpa/jpa-native-query/

Author: haste, 2020-09-01 03:54:18

An example of a native query in building a dynamic query.

    case Role.CIK:
if (StringUtils.hasText(reqParam.getCiuSubject())) {
    sql += " AND cnt.vccucode_Subj =  :ciuSubject ";
    query.setParameter("ciuSubject", reqParam.getCiuSubject());

Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql, CuVotercntByCu.class);
return query.getResultList();
Author: haste, 2020-09-18 05:27:19