Show html page through index.php > function.php

I explain why the title maybe was going to be a little long and I wanted to simplify it.

I have a page index.php , has a table, where in a tr,td (height and width already set) has a include ('/funciones/cargar_entrada.php'), so the contents of this include will be displayed in est tr,td.

The function load_input.php , connects to a BBDD and retrieves the last entry (example: input1.html). I have tried to show entrada1.html testing with;

  1. includes
  2. echo "< a href='/../entradas/entrada1.html'>< /a>";
  3. <script type="text/javascript"> location.href='/../entradas/entrada1.html'; </script>

So far everything is fine. The case is that it does not show the contents of entrada.1html in cargar_entrada.php...

I leave you an image so that you understand me better in case I have messed you up

Loading Code_input.php

Servidor server=""; usuario user=""; pass pass=""; BB bbdd="";

Conex connection=mysqli_connect (servidor server,usuario user,pass pass, BB bbdd) or die ("Error 505 NOT FOUND");

Sql sql= " SELECT * from entries ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"; tabla table=mysqli_query (Conex connection, sql sql);

While (fila row=mysqli_fetch_object (tabla table)) {id id=fila row- > id;}

Header ('Location:../ entries / entry'.$ID.'.html');

I know it's very basic but it works for me correctly

Edit: in the end I opted for the following.

In index.php I have created an iframe with src = load_enter.php, and this with the code I have put above, loads the last entry correctly.

Theme fixed, thanks for the help!

Author: Akarin, 2016-09-02

1 answers

You say you have tried three different ways to display the contents of a document html within a cell (<td></td>) of a table.

Well, your first attempt was using " include":

Tell you that you are doing the right thing, but you should know that The "include" directive is limited to" including " the contents of the file you indicate. You comment that:

" the function load_entrance.php, connects to a BBDD and retrieves the last entry (Example: input1.HTML)."

I understand that you mean that you have a file " cargar_entrada.php" in which you have a function called "cargar_entrada()" that makes a query to a BBDD and retrieves the name of the file in which the Code html of the last entry is. Note that you should not only declare and define the function "cargar_entrada() " in this way:

function cargar_entrada()
    // Consulta a BBDD y retorno del nombre del archivo con la última entrda
    return $ruta_archivo;

If not you have to invoke it somewhere or in the file itself.php:

function cargar_entrada()
    // Consulta a BBDD y retorno del nombre del archivo con la última entrda
    return $ruta_archivo;

//Invocar la función y vuelcas el contenido del archivo devuelto
echo file_get_content(cargar_entrada());

O well after include:

echo file_get_content(cargar_entrada());

Either way would correctly display the contents of the enrada1.html file inside the cell.

Warnings: * before displaying, check the existence of the file

I've done a lot of things, I hope I got it right. If I am correct, show us the Page_Load code.php and how you invoke it inside td.

Author: Neoniet, 2016-09-02 20:02:34