Dynamic width of the image in the slider (CSS)

I can't make the dynamic width of images in the website slider (HTML + CSS + JS). When opening the browser window, the width of the first slide is the full width of the window (as it should be), but if you stretch/expand the browser window, the width of the image does not change and subsequent slides go with the same width as when the page was initially opened in the browser. I tried width 100%, auto, inherit, and made different variations of object-fit, but it didn't bring any results. Be grateful for help.

#slider {
  width: 100%;    
  max-width: 1920px;
  height: -moz-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -webkit-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -o-calc(100vh - 100px);
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  margin: 0px auto;
  overflow: hidden;   
  border-radius: 3px;
#slider1 {
  width: 100%;        
  max-width: 1920px;
  height: -moz-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -webkit-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -o-calc(100vh - 100px);
  position: absolute;
  display: block;
.slider_items {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 1920px;
  height: -moz-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -webkit-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -o-calc(100vh - 100px);
.slider_info {
  width: 100%;
  height: 70px;
  display: inline-block;
  bottom: 90px;
  position: relative;
  background: rgba(104,204,204,.3);
  z-index: 99;

.slider_img {
  width: inherit;
  max-width: 1920px; 
  height: -moz-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -webkit-calc(100vh - 100px);
  height: -o-calc(100vh - 100px);
<div id="slider">
  <div id="slider_pager"></div>

  <div id="slider1" align="center">

    <div class="slider_items">
      <img class="slider_img" src="//placehold.it/350x150"/>
      <div class="slider_info">
        <h2>Slide1 title</h2>
        <p>This is the description for slide1 <a href="#">Learn more</a></p>

    <div class="slider_items">
      <img class="slider_img" src="//placehold.it/350x150"/>
      <div class="slider_info">
        <h2>Slide2 title</h2>
        <p>This is the description for slide2 <a href="#">Learn more</a></p>
Author: Qwertiy, 2016-01-30

2 answers

FlexSlider to help you, it is initially adaptive


<div class="flexslider">
  <ul class="slides">
      <img src="slide1.jpg" />
      <img src="slide2.jpg" />
      <img src="slide3.jpg" />
      <img src="slide4.jpg" />


$(window).load(function() {
    animation: "slide"
Author: Vasin Yuriy, 2016-07-08 19:29:35
window.onresize = function(){ location.reload();}

And in CSS width:100%, if I understand you correctly

Author: Ivan, 2016-03-26 15:46:39