ECMAScript Specification or programming language?

Russian version

ECMAScript is an embeddable extensible with no tools I / O programming language used as the basis for building other scripting languages. Standardized by the international the ECMA organization in the ECMA-262 specification. Language extensions: JavaScript, JScript, and ActionScript.

English version

ECMAScript (or ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262.

  1. So is ECMAScript a specification or a programming language? Is there an error in the Wiki or what?

    The text is written about ECMAScript in the Russian wiki

    The language originated on the basis of several technologies, the most famous of which are the JavaScript and JScript languages. Development of the first Revision of the specification began in November 1996.

  2. It turns out The language as they say ECMAScript originated from several ala technologies: JavaScript and JScript. That is, the merging of all these technologies or languages? Or vice versa, using the example of JavaScript(a): Is it ECMAScript + DOM, BOM, and something else? Do I understand correctly?

Yes, I dig into the basics and so on. It's better to be so slow to understand and know what and how, than after 20 minutes of JavaScript (a) to go to the frameworks and try to understand how everything works there - _ -

2 answers

For parsing, open the specification itself (last draft)

The name clearly indicates:

ECMAScript® 2019 Language Specification

ECMAScript® 2019 Language Specification

Further in the introduction, you can see the following:

This Ecma standard defines the language ECMAScript 2019. This is the tenth revision of the ECMAScript language specification.

ECMAScript is based on several technologies such as JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft).

This standard defines the general-purpose programming language ECMAScript 2019.

Next comes the compliance section, which specifies the specific items that the implementation of ECMAScript must comply with.

From all of the above, we can conclude:

  1. There is a language specification
  2. Specification describes the ECMAScript language
  3. There are specific implementations of this specification, for example JavaScript
Author: Grundy, 2019-01-08 09:00:09

A language specification is a document that describes a language. For a language to begin to exist, it must be described.

In the ECMAScript specification itself, the introduction says:

This Ecma Standard defines the ECMAScript 2015 Language.

So there is no contradiction.

In the quote you gave

The language originated on the basis of several technologies, the most famous of which are JavaScript and JScript.

A programming language is defined as a type of information technology.

Author: Vlad from Moscow, 2019-01-08 08:49:33