Error:" connection rejected by remote interface " using Firebird 3 em.Net

I have an application in, which currently uses firebird 2.5.1 and it works normally. I am testing version 3.0 Release Candidate for migrate soon the version, but does not open the connection, the following occurs error:

"connection rejected by remote interface".

Testing in an application in Delphi worked normally, but in Visual Studio it doesn't work.

I would like to know if it can be the provider for .NET that still it was not updated to the new version, or if it can be something wrong that I am do.

Author: emanuelsn, 2015-12-16

3 answers

Short answer : reinstall Firebird server by checking the option to enable legacy auth, or change the server configuration (in firebird.conf), changing the line

#AuthServer = Srp


AuthServer = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi

Long Answer : ADO provider pra .NET (FirebirdSql.Date.FirebirdClient.dll, v4.10.0.0) does not yet support the New Firebird default authentication model (SRP), so the server must be configured to support the legacy authentication model.

A most Delphi applications use fbclient (or gds32.DLL) to connect to the server, and since the installation of Firebird 3.0 distributes an fbclient that already implements the new authentication model, applications that use fbclient will not have this problem.

If other login errors appear after this solution, this answer covers the whole problem and the complete solution, much better than I did above (I only found the answer after solving : -/)

Author: user275447, 2017-05-23 12:37:31

I managed to solve my problem of:

Connection rejected by remote interface

By changing the GDS32.DLL in the System32 folder, it may be that the file has been corrupted, something like that. It's running normally now, I was able to open the bank in the IB and my system went back to running.

Author: Marco Aurélio Bernardes, 2017-10-19 11:36:38

Open The firebird file.conf and modify the following parameters:

WireCrypt = Disabled
AuthServer = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi
AuthClient = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi

For Windows there are different options there. Just look in the comments of AuthServer / AuthClient.

Then restart Firebird or the machine.

Author: Joe Edman, 2020-07-01 02:59:49