Error "could not load ssl library" using delphi 7 and indy 10.0.52

I'm using Delphi 7 and indy 10.0.52, trying to send a json with Method post to a api but I always get this error message:

Could not load ssl library

A long time ago I did this same procedure only with version 9.0 of indy. A while I had the need to update the indy to version 10 and from this moment did not work this process anymore. In the research I conducted, they say that I should put the correct version for dlls:


I have tested several versions but without success with any, someone would tell me what would be the version of dll correct for this version of indy.

Author: Tmc, 2016-08-25

2 answers

Download directly from the recommended links on this indy project page.

The most current ones are available here /

Here we use the same recommended by @ VictorZanella.

Author: Diego Garcia, 2016-11-13 01:53:44

As I recall, I had to install the OpenSSL library for Windows from this link only the dlls had not solved.

Author: Ricardo Kenji Harasaki, 2016-09-20 14:12:20