Error inserting into Mysql database

I started studying a bit about web development, but I have a problem trying to insert into the table. It presents an error, when I click on a dps register, it presents this message in the browser:

 query("INSERT INTO nafcliente (nome,local) VALUES ('$nome' , '$local') ") or die ($mysqli->error); } 

That would be my index, I did pretty simple just to test


      <form action="process.php" method="POST">
            <input type="text" name="nome" placeholder="Digite seu nome" />
            <input type="text" name="local" placeholder="Digite seu endereço" />
            <input type="submit" name="Cadastrar" value="Cadastrar" />   

This is my process Page.php


$mysqli= new mysqli("localhost","root","","cad") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));


    $nome= $_POST['nome'];
    $local= $_POST['local'];

    $mysqli-> query("INSERT INTO cliente (nome,local) VALUES ('$nome' , '$local') ") or 
    die ($mysqli->error);

Author: It Wasn't Me, 2019-05-12

2 answers


$mysqli= new mysqli("localhost","root","","cad") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));


    $nome= $_POST['nome'];
    $local= $_POST['local'];

    $query = mysqli_query($mysqli,"INSERT INTO cliente (nome,local) VALUES ('$nome' , '$local') ");

Try like this, maybe it's wrong my part, it's been a long time that I do not mech with php, but I saw a code of mine that is like this , it does not cost to try ;)

Author: DbaAlone, 2019-05-12 15:28:37

I see that only in Query $mysqli-> query("SQL") or die ($mysqli->error); that is missing referencing the connection.

$mysqli-> query($mysqli, "SQL") or die ($mysqli->error);

And also in the connection should be mysqli_connect and not just mysqli

$mysqli= new mysqli_connect ("localhost","root","","cad") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));

Proposal in Mysqli:


$mysqli= mysqli_connect ("localhost","root","","cad") or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));


    $nome= $_POST['nome'];
    $local= $_POST['local'];

mysqli_query($mysqli, "INSERT INTO cliente (nome,local) VALUES ('$nome' , '$local') ") or 
die ($mysqli->error);


Author: Jorge Clésio, 2019-05-12 20:59:11