Error installing Rust on windows 10

I'm taking my first steps in the language. I have read much of the documentation and decided to install on my machine. I downloaded the rustup-init here . However, when I run the installer I have the following error:

error: could not download file from '' to 'C:\Users\fernando.cavalcante\.rustup\tmp\mbkyn0d_zdlnhsfl_file' info: caused by: error during download info: caused by: [35] SSL connect error (schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - A fun��o de revoga��o n�o p�de verificar a revoga��o do certificado.)

How to proceed?

Author: Fernando Paz, 2018-01-30

2 answers

Is an SSL issue in your connection. You may be using a corporate or shared connection that has proxy or firewall restrictions. Try to do using a standard direct connection. Type 4G or your home Wi-Fi same.

Author: Erlimar, 2019-05-24 21:03:36

Have you tried installing using msi installer?

Other installation methods

Note: If you choose the "windows-msvc" version you will need to install Visual Studio (15)2017 or at least Buildtools from it only. Otherwise use the "windows-gnu" same.

Author: Matheus Catarino França, 2018-09-25 20:04:31