Error message when putting translation in CodeIgniter

Does anyone know how to solve this:

An Error Was Encountered: Unable to load the requested language file: language/portuguese-brazilian/form_validation_lang.php

I followed the following steps to include the translation:

  1. application -> language -> and I put the Portuguese-brazilian folder here
  2. application -> config -> $config['language'] = 'portuguese-brazilian'; (after deleting english).

Obs.: the form_validation_lang file.php is in the portuguese-brazilian folder.

Author: rray, 2015-08-21

2 answers

I went through the same situation I solved by giving permission to the directory language

$ chmod -R 775 language
Author: Alex_Aleluia, 2017-07-01 01:58:21

Your procedure is correct. In my case the Portuguese zip that I downloaded was generating a folder structure from the application. Just enter the folder you created and see if there are PHP files inside or if zip generated the folder structure.

Author: Vlademiro Landim, 2015-10-18 12:57:17