Error object is not iterable (Django)

Hello everyone, I encountered the error "object is not iterable" and do not understand how to solve it:

There is a code snippet

def search(request):
        q = request.POST['clientSearch']
        result = News.objects.get(pk=q)
        context={'result': result}
    except News.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404("News does not exist")
    return render(request,'news/search.html', context)

When executing the request, an error occurs and the debugger refers to my template, to the 1st line:

{% for result in result %}
    {{ result.title }}
{% endfor %}

The most interesting thing is that with result = News.objects.filter(pk=q) - everything works.
In the course of Googling, I realized that there is a difference between News.objects.filter(pk=q) and News.objects.get(pk=q), but I do not understand what.
I would be very grateful if you could tell me what is the difference between them and how to start a code with News.objects.get(pk=q).

Author: Ivan Semochkin, 2016-04-03

1 answers

When you write a query to the database via SomeModel.objects.filter(), an object of type queryset is created with a list of objects that can be traversed in the {% for %} loop.
If queryset returns a list of a single object, it will still be queryset, so the loop worked for you.
When you write SomeModel.objects.get(), you refer directly to the object, so you can not go through it in a loop, just if the object is not in the database, Django will return an exception, c filter() there will be no exception.
Read in the documentation Django about database queries to better understand the intricacies of ORM work.

Author: Ivan Semochkin, 2016-04-03 17:37:57