Error Windows cannot find ' svcutil.exe'

Among the many projects here in the company, there is one that when I am going to compile gives the following error:


Windows cannot find ' svcutil.exe '

What do I do to resolve this error?

This is the version of my Visual and Framework:

insert the description of the image here

  • Visual Studio Ultimate 2013
  • Folders in Microsoft SDKs\Windows:

    v7.0A, v7.1A, v8.0, v8.0A, v8.1 e v8.1A

Only one of the projects presents the error, the others run normally, the project that presents the error is using the version:

Author: bfavaretto, 2016-02-11

2 answers

What was missing was to take the full path of the application, which in the case was this C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools and put in the environment variable PATH after the ;.

To switch go to:

  • my computer > advanced settings > environment variables
  • search for the word PATH and two clicks with the mouse
  • edit the variable value field and then press all"Ok"
  • sometimes it is necessary to log off or restart, but it is not always precise

Before I had created a new variable and put it there. It didn't work. So, I took the full path and put in the variable PATH, which already exists in the windows environment. With that I was able to make it work. That is, Windows found the application.

Author: pnet, 2016-02-15 15:19:11

Use the .NET 4.0 SDK version available here:


Svcutil.exe that is in v7.1 / bin has Version 3.0...(not 4.0)

Svcutil.exe that is in v7.1/bin / NETFX 4.0 Tools has versa 4.0...(4.0, you should use this one!)

Author: Danilo Breda, 2016-02-13 08:09:17