ESLint setting in VS Code: tab and end line

There is a bare project created by the Vue CLI, where ESLint does not swear at 2 spaces used as tabs (code-level indentation).

And there is my config:

    "editor.detectIndentation": false,
    "editor.tabSize": 4,

    "[json]": {
        "editor.tabSize": 4
    "[javascript]": {
        "editor.tabSize": 4

I.e. I need the tab size to be 4 spaces, but Alt+Shift+F (autoformat) or just setting 4 spaces instead of 2:

enter a description of the image here

Question one: how do I tell ESLint what tab size I need?

Question second: what does ESLint want at the end of the lines?
It seems to be possible to put; but if you put, then swears...

enter a description of the image here

And in the absence of underscores green

enter a description of the image here

I didn't find any information on setting up this beast on the network.
At least in a form that is clear that this is exactly what you need))

If ESLint doesn't have any settings, then tell me another VS Code plugin for Vue.js

Author: Евгений Гуреев, 2018-08-09

1 answers

As for the indent settings in ESLint, you can put it here: ESLint indent rule, and in VSCode you just need to write this rule for yourself and add it here in the VSCode settings: enter a description of the image here

In addition to the margins, you can configure a lot of things, or just disable these rules, you can see about all this here in the rule settings in ESLint

Author: E1mir, 2018-08-09 20:40:52