Facebook API-pulling posts with HashTag

I am having to apply the Facebook API on a website, pulling the posts from a page, I would like to know, if there is any way to pull only posts containing a HashTag, does the API allow this?


Which in the case, could be seen working through this link:


function fbFeed(){

     var pagina = "***********";
     var token = "************";
     var campos = "fields=message,full_picture,link";
     var limite = "4"

     var url = "https://graph.facebook.com/"+pagina+"/posts?" +
               "access_token="+token+"" +
Author: Randrade, 2017-02-02

1 answers

Is not possible...

Facebook is Shutting Down access to Hashtags in its API (April 2015)

Explorer doesn't even work to search hashtags anymore, as suggested here: Facebook API search for hashtag - Stack Overflow .

And this was all to do generic search for the hashtag. In the official documentation for searching the information of a specific page there is nothing about hashtags: page-Graph API Reference

Author: brasofilo, 2017-05-23 12:37:23