Failed to load helper " Unable to load the requested file: helpers/login helper.php"

Good Morning folks, I can't load my helper with CodeIgniter, I have no idea what happens:

My autoload.php looks like this:

$autoload['helper'] = array('url', 'login');

And my helper looks like this:

 * Created by Andre Tohouca Lacomski on 02/04/2019
if ( !defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
function is_logged_in() {
$CI =& get_instance();
$status = $CI->session->userdata('logged_in');
if (!isset($status)) {
    return false;
}else {
    return true;

And this error appears:

An Error Was Encountered Unable to load the requested file: helpers/login_helper.php

Author: Andre Lacomski, 2019-04-03

1 answers

Check the following error-generating possibilities:

  1. is your helper file even in the ../application/helpers directory?
  2. Your file if called same login_helper.php?
  3. Did you program on Windows then deploy on Linux or vice versa? File names with different uppercase or lowercase are now considered different files as well.
Author: C. Bohok, 2019-04-03 13:47:59