Favicon.ico vs hosting

Is there any way (Site ) I host a file .ico without it being on the 'server' of the application, I say do as we normally upload an image .jpg / .png on sites like Imgur ?

In much of my research before asking this question, google confused ico with other terms and therefore the results were not what I expected, but what I found so far was:

Is there a free service where i can host a favicon ( .file) file ? (all quoted options are broken)

Using .ico in img tag (unrelated)

Favicon: how to create and host images .{ (again unrelated)

Among other means ( such as the front-end community ) that also did not know how to inform me a (good ) option ...

Author: Break, 2017-07-08

1 answers

First I will indicate a service, but the reason for the answer is to explain something about the favicons that may be useful to you.

" hosting " favicons

Searching I found this http://www.iconj.com/icon_generator.php , in addition to" hosting " it also converts your image to icon.

Icons and images as favicon

Older browsers used to use only .ico, this when supported, as there were browsers that neither supported, so the preference has always been to use this format, however most modern browsers as you can see in the list support png: http://caniuse.com/#feat=link-icon-png

png icon

IE , .ico is no longer the only option, you can host on different sites or use different domains to store images .png and point them to your site:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="http://3rd.site.com/img/favicon.png">

IOS Safari and the favicons

You must have noticed that favicons are not available in Safari for iOS, not even the format .ico, however Safari has a tag link own for icons when you save in favorites or to the "Home" and is compatible with many versions of Android, are the tags:

  • <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="icone-grande.png"> when to bookmark or add to Home (next to apps)

  • <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="icone-grande.png"> the -precomposed causes the icon to not receive the effect of "gloss" in the icon.

The pictures must be PNG as per documentation, these icons look similar to this (example using the Youtube site) in the Home (left) and when adding to Favorites or the "reading list" (right):

apple-touch-icon on home and favorites

Note: actually I think it recognizes yes <link rel="icon">, despite the caniuse say no, but the image gets "ugly", however it works (at least where I tested) if you don't have apple-touch-icon set.

Author: Guilherme Nascimento, 2020-12-20 21:18:06