Features and purpose of the Perl language

Good time of day! I would like to know if it is worth studying Perl. What is its functionality, application, and purpose?

Author: angry, 2012-04-03

10 answers


For me, this is a very convenient and simple language. My favorite )))

Author: 2Roman, 2012-04-03 13:35:39

Currently, it is widely used for processing large amounts of text information, which is exactly what it was created for. This determines the scope of its popularity. Among other things, it includes such a serious science as bioinformatics-the science of analyzing the sequences of nucleic acids and peptides.

Author: skegg, 2012-04-04 13:40:56

Perl is a" powerful, flexible, secure, and modern " high-level language that is used in a wide variety of fields - from parsing text information to developing graphical and multimedia applications.

It copes well with processing various types of data, so it is often used when writing various types of parsers and bots. It can be used for system administration tasks.

One of the modern "niches" for the Perl language has become web development. it has written a lot of web frameworks - both microframes, and full-featured MVC frameworks. Many companies develop their engines in Perl - these are domain name registrars and hosting providers, search engines, SEO companies, media companies, online game developers, etc.

In recent years, the Perl language has experienced its own "renaissance", a kind of rebirth - a lot has been refined in the language itself (for example, the most complete of all has appeared support for Unicode languages), and in third-party modules: frameworks are written for efficient object-oriented development, asynchronous programming, convenient ORM, and much, much more. As one Perl blog commentator recently put it: "This is not your Daddy's Perl" - "This is not the Perl your daddy used to program in" :) This is Modern Perl.

The Perl language has a fairly active community that supports and develops it. Every year, dozens of YAPC (Yet Another Perl Conference) conferences, workshops and technical, as well as non - technical meetings dedicated to Perl are held around the world-including in Russia (often with the participation of foreign guests). Participation in such events is usually free of charge.

By the way, one of these conferences will be held very soon, on May 12-13, in Kiev. If you have the time, opportunity, and interest in the Perl language, I highly recommend that you come and listen to the reports and chat with people who use this language in their daily lives. Participation in the conference is free of charge, you only need to register and apply for participation on the conference website.

Author: odmink0, 2012-04-08 10:09:09

Perl gives you everything you need to write elegant and expressive code. Multi-paradigm, modifiable, adaptable to any development model. P.S. and of course, do not forget that good perl programmers will always have an interesting and highly paid job.

Author: greenfactory, 2012-04-08 21:37:39

Recently, Perl has been developing very rapidly. Very high-quality web frameworks have emerged, such as Mojolicious, Dancer. There is a fully asynchronous web framework Tatsumaki, which can compete with the performance of Node.js. So for web application development, Perl is the best fit. And if you consider that Perl has one of the best testing systems, then the development method TDD (Test Driven Development ) becomes one continuous with pleasure, and the programs are very high-quality.

Perl is a smart language. It was developed by a linguist by profession. Therefore, Perl is a set of basic building blocks from which you can build a beautiful building for your web project. Any ready-made parts of the building can be found on CPAN or the new search engine METACPAN. This allows you to build a web project building at the fastest possible speed.

In general, choosing the Perl programming language, you will definitely you win.

Author: vaneska, 2012-04-09 08:08:55

Perl is very concise, lively, elegant, and at the same time CPAN-thermonuclear. It combines different traditions and there is no condemnation. He gives peace and finds harmony. The rest - - - faded shadow and bustle.

Author: DONANGEL, 2012-04-08 20:44:35

Pearl allows you to focus on the problem rather than on its implementation, works everywhere, has never broken backward compatibility, and is not going to. A very good language for beginners: you can write full-fledged working programs from the first day and learn new features gradually. Example:

my $name = "World";

if ($name eq 'World') {
    print "Hello, $name\n";
} else {
    print "Bye, $name\n";
Author: , 2012-04-08 21:56:17

It is easy and fast to write in perl:

  • bot, spider.
  • a system for processing terabytes of text and html.
  • window application for linux(qt,gtk).
  • web interface (Rose:: DB +HTML::Template + fastcgi), which will not fall from 1000 simultaneous connections.
  • one-liners for everyday tasks(cat access.log|perl -le 'split,$h{$_[0]}++ for <>; $,="\n"; print map{"$_ $h{$_}"} sort{$h{$a}<=>$h{$b}}keys %h'|tail)
  • client for any web and not only service.
  • and much more.
Author: smoker, 2012-04-08 21:12:01

The last example I would rewrite like this:

my $name = 'World';
my $greet = $name eq 'World' ? 'Hello' : 'Bye';
say $greet . ',' . $name;

And besides text processing, perl is very good for unix-like OS system programming. It is used for writing various systems for monitoring networks, equipment, etc.And in this area it is much more popular than C / C++, because the speed of development on it is much faster.

Author: kuptsov, 2012-04-10 07:44:33

It is better not to start learning Perl, as the demand for Perl programmers in the previous year fell almost 2 times! Exactly the same picture with PHP programmers... Better start learning Ruby, Ruby on rails, or Python+Django. The demand for these programmers has almost doubled! Despite the fact that Perl is quite a powerful and flexible language, you can learn it only for self-development, but not for professional activity, as it is gradually dying before your eyes. It is replaced by completely new ones decisions.

Author: AseN, 2012-04-08 11:00:13