Files.mdx on Linux

There is a file with the .mdx permission. On the forums, I read that in order to open it, you need to convert it to. iso with the iat program. I run the conversion, but it does not work, writes a message in the console and hangs there indefinitely. What is the problem? I don't understand, maybe there are other ways to open such a file?

$ iat MB.mdx MB.iso

Iso9660 Analyzer Tool v0.1.3 by Salvatore Santagati
Licensed under GPL v2 or later

$ file MB.mdx

MB.mdx: MED_Song

By running the command: $ strace iat MB.mdx MB.iso I got hundreds of lines per second of this plan:

lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0 lseek(3, 73728, SEEK_SET) = 73728 read(3, ".\361\3118\243\2755\253\262u\306\332\263\245\272\376\325\337\264?\361u\321/\346\236\177\250\362K\\\341"..., 1790) = 1790 read(3, "$\325k\346\315G\316\334#_\367\346\253\270\343\215\357\313W\277\362+\271\347\221\217\277\350\272\366%d"..., 4096) = 4096 lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0 lseek(3, 73728, SEEK_SET) = 73728 read(3, ".\361\3118\243\2755\253\262u\306\332\263\245\272\376\325\337\264?\361u\321/\346\236\177\250\362K\\\341"..., 1791) = 1791 read(3, "\325k\346\315G\316\334#_\367\346\253\270\343\215\357\313W\277\362+\271\347\221\217\277\350\272\366%dv"..., 4096) = 4096 lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0 lseek(3, 73728, SEEK_SET) = 73728 read(3, ".\361\3118\243\2755\253\262u\306\332\263\245\272\376\325\337\264?\361u\321/\346\236\177\250\362K\\\341"..., 1792) = 1792 read(3, "k\346\315G\316\334#_\367\346\253\270\343\215\357\313W\277\362+\271\347\221\217\277\350\272\366%dv\237"..., 4096) = 4096 lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0 lseek(3, 73728, SEEK_SET) = 73728 read(3, ".\361\3118\243\2755\253\262u\306\332\263\245\272\376\325\337\264?\361u\321/\346\236\177\250\362K\\\341"..., 1793) = 1793 read(3, "\346\315G\316\334#_\367\346\253\270\343\215\357\313W\277\362+\271\347\221\217\277\350\272\366%dv\237x"..., 4096) = 4096 lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET^C)

Author: boomuo, 2019-06-08

1 answers

And try just mounting with offset:

mount -o loop,offset=64 image.mdx /mnt/cdrom/

If it didn't help, it looks like there's a hybrid partition. You can also try manually specifying the disk type. Most often it is udf or iso9660

mount -t udf -o loop,offset=64 image.mdx /mnt/cdrom/

mount -t iso9660 -o loop,offset=64 image.mdx /mnt/cdrom/

The format also supports compression. If the data is compressed, then you need to convert it to iso. It just won't connect.

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom
$ sudo modprobe loop # в убунтах обычно не нужно
$ sudo mount -o loop,offset=64 "Alter Ego +3 Manuel CD.mdx" /mnt/cdrom/
mount: /mnt/cdrom: WARNING: device write-protected, mounted read-only.
$ ls /mnt/cdrom/
AlterEgo+3.exe  AlterEgo+3.swf  autorun.inf  data  Licence_PC.txt  lisez-moi_PC.txt  modules  Read-me_PC.txt  ressources  swf
$ mount
Alter Ego +3 Manuel CD.mdx on /mnt/cdrom type iso9660 (ro,relatime,norock,check=r,map=n,blocksize=2048)
Author: eri, 2019-06-08 11:43:22