Find app by play store search

I first published an app from the Google Play Store, more for testing even, google that goes straight into the app page. The link works, but I wanted to find it by searching and I can't.

Can anyone tell me if there is something I have to do for the app to appear in searches? I'm kind of lost on the Google Play Developer console yet.

Author: LINQ, 2017-02-22

1 answers

Google Play search is a key tool for users find important and popular apps for Android devices. Ensure your app and its details are detailed and optimized it is an important factor to be discovered by users on Google Play.

According to Google, developer of the Android platform, the text of the details of your app are crucial to its discovery, starting with Title:


  • must be unique and accessible. Avoid common terms and reinforce the theme of your app.
  • focus on your title, as longer titles are likely to be truncated depending on the device your users use.
  • avoid subtle spelling errors of general terms, as users can correct spelling errors of search terms.

See More details in Google's own support documentation from How to make your app easier to find in Google Play search. And besides that too, you can also take a look at how the search works.

Author: viana, 2020-06-11 14:45:34