Find the length of the longest sequence consisting of R characters

A text file consists of no more than 10^6 characters L, D, and R. Determine the length of the longest sequence consisting of the characters R.

I must say, I'm new to Python, so all I could write was this:

f = open("zadanie24_2.txt")
s = f.readlines()
m = 0
for i in s:
    if s(i) == "R" and s(i + 1) == "RR":

Here's the error that arrived enter a description of the image here

Somewhere in the Internet I found this code, I substituted my values in it, but again nothing came out

# откроем файл на чтение
F = open ('zadanie24_2.txt', 'rt')

# T - список файла F
T = ().split ()

K = 1 # K - число одинаковых чисел
A = [] # список длин цепочек одинаковых чисел
for i in range (0, len (T) - 1) :
  #print (T [i], end = '')
  if T [i] == T [i + 1] :
    K += 1
  else :
    A += [K]
    K = 1

A += [K]

F.close ()

R = open ('result.txt', 'wt')
R.write (str (max (A)))

R.close ()
print ('Файл result.txt записан')

Help who can

Author: Danis, 2020-10-19

2 answers

  1. Indexes should be written in square brackets, not in round brackets

  2. for i in s so you go through all the elements, and you need all the indexes. it should be like this for i in range(len(s) - 1)

  3. s[i + 1] == "RR" you take one element and compares it to two. it should be like this s[i + 1] == "R"

  4. You do not save or reset the value of m

f = open("zadanie24_2.txt")
s =
m = 1
maxlen = 0
for i in range(len(s) - 1):
    if s[i] == "R" and s[i + 1] == "R":
        m += 1
        if mexlen < m:
            maxlen = m 
        m = 1
if maxlen == 0 and "R" in s:
    maxlen = 1
Author: Danis, 2020-10-22 09:17:46

Let's go through the indexes of the string. Met R-remembered the index of the beginning. Met not R-calculated the length of the series.

r = False
maxlen = 0
for i in range(len(s)+1):
    if i<len(s) and s[i] == "R":
        if not r:
            start = i
            r = True
        if r:
            maxlen = max(maxlen, i - start)
            r = False

Author: MBo, 2020-10-19 15:56:37