Firing a JavaScript in the Console tab in Internet Explorer (F12) Developer Tools

Please, I'm trying to make a combobox visible within a page.

I'm using Internet Explorer with " F12 "(Developer Tools) tab" Console " firing the command on the command line below.

For this Combobox to be visible, another Combo must have a specific value.

Example:"Checking Account"

<div class="ui-widget ui-combobox ui-required mode-edit" id="cd_liquid" style="left: 144px; top: 156px;" data-widget="combobox" data-block="COT_MOVIM_ED" data-member="CD_LIQUIDA" data-action="selectionChanged" data-name="cd_liquid">
    <select name="cd_liquid" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" id="#cd_liquid" style="width: 184px; height: 16px; display: none;">
        <option value="CE">Conta Estrangeira</option>
        <option value="CC">Conta Corrente</option>
        <option value="CP">Conta Poupança</option>
    <input class="ui-autocomplete-input ui-widget-content ui-corner-left" id="pdcme_liquid" style="width: 168px; height: 16px;" type="text" value="" />
    <button tabIndex="-1" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-button-icon-only ui-corner-right ui-button-icon" role="button" aria-disabled="false" style="left: 168px; width: 16px; height: 16px;" type="button">
        <span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"></span><span class="ui-button-text">&nbsp;</span>
    <label style="left: auto; width: 141px; right: 0px;" for="pdcme_liquid">Forma Liquidação</label>

I'm trying to do like this:

1º) this works - > A".val " puts inside the combo the 'current account' value, like this:

 $('#pdcme_liquid').val('Conta Corrente')

2nd) problem is here - > with the value already put inside, now I need Javascript to "understand" this and fire an event to make the other ComboBox visible. I've tried this:


I'm trying on the input object, but I don't know if I should fire an event in SELECT or BUTTON?!?

Or should I select the value of the "CC" item from select and then fire an event so that the internal javascript shows the next one combobox?!?

Author: FabioIn, 2020-01-07