Firmware ATmega32u4 sketch arduino with external quartz on 16000

How to flash an arduino ATmega32u4 with external quartz without using bootloader? I understand you just need to fill in the compiled one .hex via avr dude in ATmega32u4 using normal USBASP. If you need to change the fuses, tell me.

Author: Letton, 2017-09-06

1 answers

  1. Download the IDE and compile the sketch Examples, Basics, Blink for the Arduino Leonardo board.
  2. Find the file Blink. ino. with_bootloader. hex in the /tmp directory (on Linux).
  3. Connect the programmer to the board via the ICSP connector.
  4. Check the FUSE bits with avrdude. For Arduino Leonardo, they are as follows: hfuse 0xD8, lfuse 0xFF, efuse 0xCB.
  5. Flash the controller with the sketch command

avrdude -p m32u4 -c usbasp -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -Uflash:w:Blink.ino.with_bootloader.hex

  1. Disconnect the programmer from the board.
Author: Vanyamba Electronics, 2017-09-07 23:44:21