Flow diagram of the cycle. Theory

I go through testing at a distance in cycles, according to the condition of the task, I have to write a utility with only the flowchart given below:

enter a description of the image here

The third and fifth blocks are called the upper and lower bounds of the condition. Also, the course provides a description of this flowchart. But it also confuses me:

enter a description of the image here

But if this flowchart means the "if" condition, then "if" has its own notation, just like for "while", "do while", and others. I fail all the questions that are related to this flowchart. Thank you for your answer, Amateur. Akina, even if I implement the simplest Loop in C# type:

static int SumDoWhile()
    // Sum numbers 0 .. 4
    int sum = 0;
    int i = 0;
    sum += i;
    } while (i < 5);
    return sum;

Then the flowchart to it will look like:

enter a description of the image here

Cassini, do I understand you correctly that the drawing of the very first flowchart can be described as follows:

public delegate void TopMessage(string message);
    class Program

       static void Main(string[] args)
            int a = 0;
            int b = 1;
                b = b + a;
            while (a < 5);

And it will be correct? enter a description of the image here

Author: Денис, 2017-01-12

1 answers

These are really quite ordinary loops with a precondition (while) or a postcondition (do .. while). Perhaps the reason to turn to the authors of the course.

Multiple sources:

Author: cassini, 2017-01-12 08:51:11