Flutter Dart consuming a lot of RAM during build

I have installed flutter for web, desktop and android. The problem happens on all platforms that I try to run a project, and it takes a long time to build the project, before it did not take so long and also did not consume all my ram. Is there any way to limit flutter memory? Or would that be a problem in this version of Flutter? I have 8GB of RAM installed and if I leave the dart building the project it ends up consuming everything and android studio stop answering. Task Manager showing ram consumption during Build For Web (Chrome) Flutter Doctor

Author: Bernardo Sant'Anna Costa, 2020-04-20

1 answers

Delete the folders ".dart_tool", "build"and " test". I restarted the PC and now during the build the dart gets to use a maximum of 500-400MB.

Print from Task Manager during Project build after deleting folders and restarting PC

Author: Bernardo Sant'Anna Costa, 2020-04-21 16:49:33