Formula for finding the third vertex of a right triangle

Guys. Not good at mathematical transformations. Maybe someone has a ready-made formula for finding the coordinates of the third vertex (C) of a right triangle knowing the coordinates of the other two vertices (A and B). The AC and AB catheters are also known.

From geometry, I remember that it is necessary to solve a system of two equations, but there the devil will break his leg... Maybe there are already ready-made formulas for finding the x and y points with?

Author: GosuUndeadGhost, 2016-11-29

4 answers

Well, in general, everything is simple.

  1. The vector AB = B - A is coordinate-wise. Divide both coordinates by the length, we get a unit vector, let it be v1.
  2. Rotate the vector v1 by 90 degrees, we get a vector along the other leg. Let be the result of v2. Rotation by a simple formula:

    v2.x = -v1.y;
    v2.y = v1.x;

    Alternatively turn the other way:

    v2.x = v1.y;
    v2.y = -v1.x;
  3. Having a unit vector v2 along the second leg, we multiply the coordinate by the length of the second leg cathet, we get the vector AC.

  4. Adding the vector AC to the coordinates A, we get the point C.

There will be two solutions, for turning clockwise or counterclockwise.

Author: VladD, 2016-11-29 11:26:21

Working code in C++ for the correct answer:

    //0. Длина катета АВ (ab):
    //   ab = Sqrt((xa_− xb_)^2+(ya_− yb_)^2)
    //1. Вектор AB = B - A, покоординатно. Делим обе координаты на длину, получаем единичный вектор (v1):
    //   v1.x =  (B.x - A.x) / ab  ===  v1x = (xb_ - xa_) / ab
    //   v1.y =  (B.y - A.y) / ab  ===  v1y = (yb_ - ya_) / ab
    //2. Поворачиваем вектор v1 на 90 градусов, получаем вектор вдоль другого катета (v2). Поворот по формуле:
    //   v2.x = -v1.y              ===  v2x = -v1y
    //   v2.y =  v1.x              ===  v2y =  v1x
    //   Альтернативно поворот в другую сторону:
    //   v2.x =  v1.y;
    //   v2.y = -v1.x;
    //3. Имея единичный вектор v2 вдоль второго катета, умножаем покоординатно на длину второго катета, получаем вектор AC:
    //   v3.x = v2.x * bc_         ===  v3x = v2x * bc_
    //   v3.y = v2.y * bc_         ===  v3y = v2y * bc_
    //4. Прибавляем к координатам A вектор AC, получаем точку C:
    //   xc_ = xa_ + v3x
    //   yc_ = ya_ + v3y
    void __fastcall TriangleStraight3V_01(int xa_, int ya_, int xb_, int yb_, int bc_, int &xc_, int &yc_)
      int      x2x1 = xa_ - xb_;
      int      y2y1 = ya_ - yb_;
      double   ab   = Sqrt(x2x1*x2x1 + y2y1*y2y1);
      double   v1x  = (xb_ - xa_) / ab;
      double   v1y  = (yb_ - ya_) / ab;
      double   v3x  = (v1y > 0 ? -v1y :  v1y) * bc_;
      double   v3y  = (v1x > 0 ?  v1x : -v1x) * bc_;

      xc_ = xa_ + v3x;
      yc_ = ya_ + v3y;
Author: constconst, 2017-10-27 13:52:15

My implementation on Pascal of the correct answer. Main function:

function FindPointB(T: Triangle; no: Integer): Point;
  unitVec: Point;

  // Единичный вектор:
  unitVec.x := (T.pointA.x - T.pointC.x) / T.sideB;
  unitVec.y := (T.pointA.y - T.pointC.y) / T.sideB;

  if no = 1 then begin  // первое решение.
    Result.x := T.pointC.x + (-unitVec.y * T.sideA);
    Result.y := T.pointC.y + (unitVec.x * T.sideA);
  end else begin  // второе решение.
    Result.x := T.pointC.x + (unitVec.y * T.sideA);
    Result.y := T.pointC.y + (-unitVec.x * T.sideA);


In this statement, the problem has two solutions. Using the example of the Egyptian triangle:

Two solutions

Flowchart with formulas:


Example of program execution:


Author: Аббас Гусенов, 2018-02-16 17:00:51

Method in C#

  PointF GetOrtogonalPoint(PointF a, PointF b, float bc)
        float x2x1 = a.X - b.X;
        float y2y1 = a.Y - b.Y;
        float ab = (float)Math.Sqrt(x2x1 * x2x1 + y2y1 * y2y1);
        float v1x = (b.X - a.X) / ab;
        float v1y = (b.Y - a.Y) / ab;
        float v3x = (v1y > 0 ? -v1y : v1y) * bc;
        float v3y = (v1x > 0 ? v1x : -v1x) * bc;

        PointF c = new PointF();
        c.X = a.X + v3x;
        c.Y = a.Y + v3y;
        return c;

The direction is set by the bc sign.

Author: xaml, 2018-12-13 11:44:19