Generate billet in php Banco santander


I'm in a tricky situation. I have a simple web system where the remittances of the tickets are generated by Banco santander's supercash program and then the return of the bonds are sent to my web system in a file .csv containing all ticket data.

In practice my system does not generate shipment of the billet, only presents the layout for printing. I use lib " /" for Banco santander, but has a problem, the field our number in this lib has a limit that should be only 07 characters and the program supercash Santander started to generate a field larger than this size.

$dadosboleto["nosso_numero"] = $infoBoleto->getNumero();  // Nosso numero sem o DV - REGRA: Máximo de 7 caracteres!

Result: the system stayed 2 months with the TypeScript lines and barcode of the incorrect tickets and this being accessed by users.

I did this way because I found it easier since the system had no purpose to generate file shipments / return, not counting the process of homologation I still do not know how to do. Good the system worked well for 3 years, now began to give this problem.

Is there any way to generate the billet (document) as in my case, just for printing? I already extract all the data from the .csv just do not know how to assemble the barcode and line typed alone. I managed only by following the quoted lib, but I already see that it has a limitation.

If you can guide me if I'm making a mistake or any path so I can troubleshoot the problem I will be grateful.

Author: rray, 2016-02-05