Google Maps does not work after Gero APK signed to Google Play

Guys I have an application running Google Maps. I generated the access key (copied and pasted in xml ) directly on the Developer Console site. If I generate the normal apk (no subscription) it works normally. After I generate the Signed apk (to post on Google Play) it no longer loads the map, the Google logo appears but the map is not loaded.

I read that it needs to use the same key that I generated on the site in the Signed apk. Just did not understand how to generate the key, since the key that I picked up on the site was (copied and pasted). I'm trying to sign directly in the Android Studio IDE, in the build > Generate Signed APK

Can anyone help me solve this?

Author: Flávio, 2017-07-09

2 answers

I've caught enough with this issue of sending APK and not working after released. What you should note is that there is the mode DEBUG and RELESE in the app when the project is created in Android Studio and also when a key is generated in the Google console, whatever the API that will be used.

What may be happening is that you should be changing only the DEBUG mode API and are not changing the RELEASE mode in your application. See this question I asked about: How to switch directory view from debug to release, or vice versa?

Check if there are two files google_maps_api.xml(debug) and google_maps_api.xml(release) in the app/src directory and make the proper correction.

Author: viana, 2017-07-09 16:59:48

After reading my key.keystore

keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

I limited access to the apis only to my release key.

After breaking my head a lot I discovered that there is a subscription on the Google play portal. version management = > app subscription

insert the description of the image here

See I have two restrictions added, This happened to me.

insert the description of the image here

Author: Marconi, 2019-10-09 12:23:19