Grid Layout in Sass

Good day to all! Tell me how to apply the Grid rule to all child elements in Sass

.grid *  { grid-column: md; }

1 answers

I found the answer to apply the rule to all child elements in the grid grid for example, such a rule will work in css

    .grid { 
      display: grid;
      [xl-start] 1fr [md-start] minmax(0, 624px) [md-end] 1fr [xl-end]; }
    .grid *  { grid-column: md; }

In Sass, you will have to write like this:

      display: grid
      grid-template-columns: [xl-start] 1fr 1.5rem [md-start] minmax(0, 624px) [md- end] 1.5rem 1fr [xl-end]
      > *
      grid-column: md
Author: Серега Виногоров, 2019-04-04 10:37:11