group by together with order by

The multilanguage of the site is made by displaying more popular values from the mysql database, which have collected a greater number of votes.

The table consists of:

|id|text_id|module|lang| text |voices|uid|
|1 |   1   |anketa| ru |Ашибка|   1  | 1 |
|2 |   1   |anketa| ru |Ошибка|   2  | 2 |

I got the request:

FROM `langs` 
WHERE `module`='anketa' 
  AND `lang`='ru' 
GROUP BY `text_id` 
ORDER BY `voices` DESC

But it outputs the value that is the first in the list with the minimum number of voices, and should output only with the largest number of voices.

Help me make the correct query.

Author: Akina, 2018-01-22

3 answers

Solution to the question:

    `l`.`text_id`, `l`.`text`, `l`.`voices`
FROM `langs` `l`
        `text_id`, MAX(`voices`) AS `MaxVoice`
    FROM `langs`
    WHERE `module`='anketa' AND
    GROUP BY `text_id`
) `lm`
ON `l`.`text_id` = `lm`.`text_id` AND
   `l`.`voices` = `lm`.`MaxVoice` AND
   `l`.`module` = 'anketa' AND
   `l`.`lang` = 'ru'
GROUP BY `l`.`text_id`
ORDER BY `l`.`text_id` ASC
Author: En J, 2018-01-27 02:29:39
SELECT MAX(`voices`) AS `voices`, `id`
FROM `langs` 
WHERE `module`='anketa' 
  AND `lang`='ru' 
GROUP BY `text_id`
Author: A T, 2020-04-10 12:32:45

According to the SQL standard, in a query with grouping, in the field enumeration part (what comes after SELECT), you can specify ONLY those fields that are grouped by, or that are used with group functions (sum, max, group_concat,...). MySQL allows queries that do not meet this rule. In this case, for fields without group functions and not specified in the GROUP BY part, an arbitrary string from the group is selected. For examples, see Grouping in MySQL

Author: retvizan, 2018-01-22 17:29:37